English Booster Camp
We embrace self-motivation and a lifelong love of learning!
Calling all young explorers!
NES English Booster Camp is designed to give your child the space to experience, explore, and excel in a lively and engaging environment!
With a perfect blend of stimulating academic workshops and vibrant Hands-On-Minds-On activities, we embrace the S-T-E-A-M approach! From art and crafts to sports, exciting outings, and games, your child will connect, collaborate, and create in ways they never imagined while building their English skills! 🌈
Our dedicated teachers focus on improving Speaking and Listening skills while turning learning into an exciting adventure geared towards sparkling conversations and real-life experiences.
Hands-on & Minds-on Activties
Combines both physically and mentally engagement during the class
Exploring about sounds, vocabulary, and linguistic communication
Developing sense of self to enhance social skills while facing new challenges
& Creativity
Allowing room for exploration and inspiring them to soary beyond the usual
Our Activities
Art & Craft
STEAM Experiment
Nature Exploration
Museum Outing
Cultural Activities
- We have four intakes periods throughout the year:
1. January – February
2. March-April
3. July – August
4. October
Students have the option to select their favorite class sessions and the weeks they prefer, depending on the topic for each week.
The curriculum emphasizes theme-based learning, which integrates lessons and activities, and follows a S-T-E-A-M framework.
Class timing:
A) Morning Session : 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon
B) Afternoon Session : 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
C) Full Day : 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon & 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- The school groups students based on their age and language proficiency. Our class is small, typically consisting of about 15 students.
A lead teacher will be present, accompanied by a class assistant.
Our dedicated and experienced teaching staff comes from the USA, UK, Europe, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.